European Travel

Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Most Beautiful Train Ride in the World - Scandinavia Part 3

'Norway in a Nutshell' claims the title "Most Beautiful Journey in the World" and I sincerely agree!  We begin the journey on the 8:11 train out of Oslo to Myrdal.  Here we change trains to the Flamsbana, the private train which will land us in Norway's Sognefjord.

Now the boat ride through the Sognefjord.  Beautiful blue skies, crystal clear waters, and happy Gallaghers glide where Vikings once ruled.  The landscape commands your respect.  The massive cliffs evoke fear while still softly whispering their secrets.  The meandering glass-like, still waters entice you to see what lies around the next corner.  My spirit beat in harmony with the ancient Viking's as we slid between narrow passage ways.  The message spoke of travel and adventure; Wunderlust.  I too, want to go a viking.

My favorite time of the day came at evening song, when the light receded but did not complete fade from the sky.  This is approaching the summer equinox when the days are at their longest.  Here the boys made a game of attempting to remain in the icy waters the longest and Joe and I sat back and took in the view from our apartment's balcony.
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Highhill Homeschool
Chestnut Grove Academy Field Trip Friday Blog Hop
Chestnut Grove Academy

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Scandinavia Part 2 - Frogner Park

Frogner Park is a gem in the heart of Oslo.  Wonderfully located just outside the city center, it is a place for young and old to gather for picnics (with “one time grills”) and evening strolls.   The garden is masterfully decorated by Gustav Vigeland.  During his career, Vigeland made a deal with the city to cast over 600 figures beautifying Oslo in return for a great studio and state support.  It is an ideal in public planning.  It is loved and respected by its people; no police necessary, no graffiti present and no fences need.
Vigeland’s theme for the park represents the cycle of life.   His sculpture is poignant and powerful, showing all stages of life from birth to death.  The enormity, larger than life scale of his creations, lends itself to self contemplation.  The wide open spaces throughout the garden leave room for reflection and tranquility. 

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Highhill Homeschool

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Scandinavia Part 1 - Viking Museum

Our history unit culminated!  This year's exploration of the Vikings and the Celts left us longing for more information on these ancient civilizations.  In Ireland last June, we got up close to our Celtic ancestors and this year we venture a little further north to Scandinavia.  Those brutal, yet poetic Norsemen hold delights and mythic lore that speak to my three young men.  This is the Vikingshiphuset in the Bygdoy neighborhood (greater Oslo) where we begin our field trip.  This impressive museum holds the best-preserved Viking long ships in existence.  The Oseberg ( 834 AD) ornately carved sailed on inland waters during festivals, but not in the open ocean.  The Gokstad ship (950 AD) is a practical working boat, capable of sailing the high seas.  It is just such a vessel that explorers like Eric the Red sailed fro Norway to Iceland to Greenland and then onto North America.  

Highhill Homeschool
Chestnut Grove Academy
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